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Want to see your pup’s face on a beer?

For the past four years, we’ve been showcasing and helping raise funds (and awareness) for pets in need, alongside our friends at RSPCA Victoria through our annual beer release, DoggoBrau Tropical XPA.

Doggo has become a beloved part of our beer lineup and it brings joy to so many people – and animals.

Our pups are by our sides for every step of the adventures we take – whether it’s floating down the river, hiking in the hills, running in the trees, or hitting the trails on our bikes. Adventure dogs, trail dogs, and faithful friends – we love them all.

Over the years, we’ve featured Eddy the greyhound, Newton the lurcher/collie-X, Kyari the cat (#cattobrau) and who could forget adorable little, bandana-wearing Phoebe?!

But this year – we need your help! We’re on the hunt for a cover star to be the face – and the tail – of this year’s DoggoBrau beer cans.

So if you have opened your heart – and home – to rescue or adopt a funny, furry, cute, cuddly, fluffy, floofy four-legged (dog) friend, we want to meet them!

Trot on over here to enter now.

The winning pooch will be immortalised in print (and beer) by our design guru Clint Weaver of Pocketbeagles, will feature on all DoggoBrau 2024 cans – and they’ll win a case of beer for their owner!

The only catch is – all doggos must be rescue or adopted pups to be eligible (#adoptdontshop)

Entries close September 11.
Bone appetite!

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