Our Values

Active. Sustainable. Authentic.

We do more than just brew great beer!

At Bright Brewery, we are driven by our core values to be authenticsustainable, active and inclusive while making beer great. These values are the foundations and soul of our business.

Bright Brewery is an independent craft brewery that cares about crafting genuine products from natural ingredients; playing our part to protect the beautiful environment that surrounds us; and encouraging active lifestyles that connect you with the outdoors; all celebrated with the enjoyment of great beers.

We also strive to ensure all our business operations and relationships are authentic, sustainable, active and inclusive, underpinning the long term future and success of Bright Brewery and our team.

Our values underpin all our planning, decisions and actions.

How are we AUTHENTIC?

We do what we say we’re going to do

We deliver on our commitments

We are honest and respectful in our relationships

We create genuine products and experiences


We’re passionate about our Alpine environment

We seek to minimise our environmental impact

We manage our business for the long-term, providing a viable future for our community, our staff, and our customers

How are we ACTIVE?

We are active in our community

We embrace active lifestyles

We create innovative products

We are engaged with our people our community and our market

How are we INCLUSIVE?

We provide an inclusive workplace for our staff

We foster a supportive team environment

We value and respect the diverse talents and perspectives of our team

We design our products and experiences with inclusivity in mind

Discover more about these aspects of our business:

Solar Brewing

Our Community Sponsorships & Partnerships

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