A 700km winter traverse of the Australian Alps
700km, 52 days, 12 ski resorts – in 2022, adventurer Huw Kingston set off on an expedition that would see him ski the length of the Australian Alps, from NSW to Victoria.
He was recreating a route he’d taken 25 years earlier but, on this journey, wanted to celebrate the backcountry, the snow communities he loved, and to witness first-hand the threats this pristine landscape is suffering from.
He documented his journey – and along the way raised more than $65,000 for a Save The Children Australia Indigenous literacy program.
The result is Alpine Odyssey – a documentary covering his epic winter traverse of the Alps, which we are very proud to be supporting.
Alpine Odyssey is set to tour across VIC and NSW this winter, including an extra special screening inside Bright Brewery on June 29, with all proceeds going to Protect Our Winters Australia and Save the Children.
Join us as we celebrate Huw’s journey for an evening of stories, laughs and environmental advocacy. The film screening will be core to each event, and POW will also be presenting details on some of the important work they are doing here in Australia to highlight the impacts of a changing climate on our alpine regions.
Come for dinner at Bright Brewery (own cost), then relax with a beer and take in the epic scenery from Huw’s expedition.
The schedule:
6pm-7:00pm: Arrival & dinner (own cost)
7:00pm: Film screening and guest speakers
Seating is general admission at long, communal tables.