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Mash Club delivery update

In order to bring our Mash Club members our best and freshest beers during the season in which they’re meant to be drunk, we will be adjusting the delivery dates for the remainder of the 2019 Mash Boxes and beyond.

Historically, Mash Boxes have been delivered in February (Summer beers), May (Autumn beers), August (Winter beers) and November (Spring beers), however, following feedback from and consultation with many of our Mash members and our Brewers, we have chosen to rearrange the schedule to ensure you’re getting beers near the start of the season for which they’re intended.

2019 Mash Box Deliveries

February (already delivered): Summer beers

May: Autumn beers

July: Winter beers

October: Spring beers

December: Summer beers

From 2020 Onwards

March: Autumn

June: Winter

October: Spring

December: Summer

We are making these changes in order to benefit you, our Mash Club members, and we really appreciate your understanding during this period of change. As always, we will communicate all expected delivery dates fully and are happy to answer questions at any time.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to email

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